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Montessori Schools in Atlanta

12 October 2021

For parents interested in a strong educational environment, filled with engaging staff, the Montessori program may be a good choice. While there are more than 4,000 Montessori schools across the U.S., more than a couple dozen are set in the Atlanta area. Montessori schools in Atlanta (and the ones spread heavily across the country) believe in a unique learning philosophy. Montessori learning is based on the environment. They believe that children learn best from the environment that surrounds them, including each other. Children are encouraged to play with one another and pick up on each other’s strong points. This also builds strong social dynamics within the classroom and strong social skills in individual children.


Montessori schools in Atlanta, and at all of their locations across the country, embrace individuality, especially when it comes to learning. They know each and every child learns differently and believe that children can benefit from learning from one another’s differences. Teachers don’t mind adding in special activities or modifying lessons to make sure that each and every child takes something away from each day.


Founded over a century ago, the Montessori program makes use of a variety of objects and materials for learning. Because they believe so strongly in environment, they believe in utilizing all of the senses and use different materials in each lesson plan to fulfill their learning objectives.


The final staple of a Montessori education is hands-on learning. Staff members are trained to interact with each and every child and to adapt to their learning needs. Teachers don’t just instruct the kids, they get in there and play and learn right along with them.



-The American Montessori Society: https://amshq.org/Families/Why-Choose-Montessori/Benefits-of-Montessori

-“Montessori Mafia” Wall Street Journal: http://blogs.wsj.com/ideas-market/2011/04/05/the-montessori-mafia/

-Montessori Schools: Atlanta Parent Online: http://www.atlantaparent.com/resource_guide/section/schools_montessori

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