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Child Care Assistance in Wyoming

31 August 2013

Using a combination of state and federal funding, Wyoming’s Department of Family Services runs the Child Care Subsidy Program. The program allows parents to work or attend an educational training program while their child is cared for by a qualified provider. Financial need eligibility is determined by both family size and household income. These numbers help determine the maximum hourly rates for full-day and half-day care options. To view the specific financial guidelines, visit the Child Care Sliding Fee Scale.

How to get started:
To get started in the enrollment process, find the programs in your area by using the online Head Start Locator.

Many programs use the Federal Poverty Line as a guide for financial assistance with child care. If your annual income is at or below the poverty line, you may qualify for financial help. These are the guidelines:

  • A family of 1 must make less than $11,490 per year.

  • A family of 2 must make less than $15,510 per year.

  • A family of 3 must make less than $19,530 per year.

  • A family of 4 must make less than $23,550 per year.

  • A family of 5 must make less than $27,570 per year.

  • A family of 6 must make less than $31,590 per year.

  • A family of 7 must make less than $35,610 per year.

  • A family of 8 must make less than $39,630 per year.


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