Westminster Nursery School

Preschool in Toms River, NJ 08753

It is with a great deal of excitement that we greet your children and you. We look forward to this school year together and becoming better acquainted.

This website is one way you can learn about Westminster Nursery School. Bookmark this site and refer to it often throughout the school year for information about our programs and our procedures. It is our hope it will be helpful. If at any time you have a concern, please talk with me personally, with your child’s teacher, or with any of our office staff. We will listen and address your questions.

Westminster Nursery School will begin our 60th year as a preschool this fall. For a brief history of our years celebrating young children, click on the “History” button on the left side of this screen. Please join us this year as we explore childhood as a journey, not a race. Your children and you are very important to us. We are predicting a wonderful year ahead.

Child Ages:
2.5 years - 4 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Hours of Operation:
9am - 3pm

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...

Westminster Nursery School provides a Christian atmosphere of care and concern for young children while encouraging them to develop positive feelings about themselves and others. Experienced, qualified teachers guide children in learning opportunities in accordance with each child’s individual rate of growth and development.

Westminster believes it is important to give children opportunities to express ideas freely and spontaneously, to encourage individuality and originality in their work, to provide a flexible environment without so many rules that spontaneity would be inhibited, and to continuously stimulate children to approach problems and situations with a searching and endless curiosity.

Teachers remember that too much freedom leads to insecurity, while too little freedom stifles spontaneity and creativity. Guided freedom allows for testing and trying out different approaches to situations with the comfort of knowing that positive guidance from the teacher keeps the experimenting within the realm of safe, creative learning.

Westminster embraces all aspects of young children: social-emotional, intellectual and physical growth. The goal is to develop happy, well adjusted children in a climate of freedom with discipline, affection, and positive reinforcement. Developmentally appropriate academic experiences are offered. Each child is encouraged to acquire skills at their own individual level of readiness. Westminster believes that “early childhood is not only where the future beings, but that childhood should be a joyous journey, not a race.”


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