Stepping Stones Learning Academy

Center in Fruitland, MD 21826

By understanding that each child/student is an unique individual with his own strengths, weaknesses, experiences, backgrounds, learning styles, needs and interests, an environment and curriculum can and should be developed and provided that enhances the child’s overall physical, motor, cognitive, speech-language, social and emotional development.

It is our goal to utilize the child’s natural curiosity and desire to learn by providing materials that encourage hands-on exploration and investigation. The environment will also play a major factor in stimulating and motivating the child to accept some of the responsibility for his own learning.

Thus, it is our belief that by incorporating and integrating a structured instructional program with that of a stimulating self-motivating and exploring environment, the child will develop positive self-esteem and feelings toward learning.

It is the mission of this school to provide a safe, nurturing, learning environment that helps children age three through eighth grade develop to their fullest potential and encourages parents to become an integral part of their child’s education.

Child Ages:
2 years - 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Development
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM

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As an educational facility, it is important not to focus strictly on the cognitive development of children but on the overall development of each child. Thus, it becomes vital to understand the growth and development of young children in each of the developmental domains. There are many theories that attempt to chart and explain the development of children. Here at Stepping Stones Learning Academy, we believe that no one theory can accurately explain how children grow, think, and develop. Therefore, we attempt to establish our program based on sound research and multiple theories.

First, there are certain environmental factors that must be in place before children can gain independence, initiate and propel their own learning, and develop a strong cognitive knowledge base. All children have basic needs that must be met. Children must feel comfortable, safe, and secure. Once their physical and security needs have been met, the children can then focus on the emotional and social needs of belongingness and acceptance. The satisfying of the physical, psychological, and social needs will enable a child to move from a stage of trust to that of independence and initiation. Now, the child is able to concentrate his efforts on the cognitive development.

With the on-going research in brain development come changes in theories about child development and teaching methodology. However, certain factors and beliefs will remain constant. Children are all unique beings that develop at different rates and times, have different learning styles, and possess different types of intelligence. Each child is characterized by individual strengths and weaknesses. It is this unique individuality of children that must be remembered and utilized when developing a program.

We believe that children learn the best when exposed to a multitude and variety of “hands-on” activities and concrete, multi-modality experiences. Through self-motivated exploration and learning, higher level thinking and problem solving can be promoted, eventually leading to more abstract thinking.

It is also important to remember that social learning plays a vital role in development and learning. Children not only develop social relationships with adults and peers but also gain knowledge through role-modeling/imitation and cooperative learning activities.

Thus, if given a nurturing and supportive environment and the opportunity to utilize their natural curiosity, desire to learn, abundance of energy and socialness, children can excel to their fullest potential in all developmental domains.


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