Preschool in Lexington, KY 40507
194 North Limestone
Lexington, KY 40507
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Sayre Extended Day is an after-school enrichment program. It serves Sayre families whose preschool and school-age children require a special program beyond regular school hours.
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Founded in 1854 in Lexington, Kentucky, Sayre School is an independent coeducational college preparatory day school, serving students from Preschool through twelfth grade. Sayre promotes intellectual, emotional, physical, social and aesthetic growth in each of its students. The school strives to help each student realize his or her intrinsic worth, develop critical thinking, and acquire self-discipline.
Students participate in a wide range of courses and extracurricular activities in a community that appreciates individual interests, talents, and skills. The rigorous curriculum stretches the intellect and promotes creativity as it communicates knowledge, building a proper foundation for future education. Technology is an integral part of our program. Sayre teachers provide innovative and differentiated instruction and supportive interaction with students; students develop independent and analytical thinking skills and learn to communicate effectively with adults and each other.
Woven through all of Sayres endeavors is the objective of developing character within a moral framework. We help students understand the meaning of honorable behavior, the importance of accountability, the mandate of citizenship. Our downtown location extends the boundaries of the classroom, providing us with a rich array of resources for learning and service in our community.
Sayre students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents, trustees, and alumni share a spirit of mutual respect and kindness and continually strive to achieve excellence. We value equity, social justice, and the diverse perspectives of a multicultural world. As a community, we honor tradition and embrace change as we move toward the future.