Aldrich Memorial Nursery School

Preschool in Rochester, MN 55901

Aldrich Memorial Nursery School is a nationally accredited learning program for preschool children. Our mission is to provide an inclusive, developmentally based program that fosters a child’s social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development, focusing on interactive play.

Aldrich provides a learning environment based on developmentally appropriate experiences in all areas of growth. We call this ‘child directed learning.’ We believe social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development are of equal importance. Children learn through experimentation, manipulation, observation, and social interaction. Teachers plan the curriculum for the needs of both the group and the individual child.

Child Ages:
2 years - 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
MinnesotaDepartmentofHumanServices - NAC Accredited
Children per Teacher:
Infant: -/-, Toddler: 14/3, Pre k: 18/2, Afterschool: -/-
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

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  • Classroom Ratios
  • Director and Teaching Staff Bios
  • Course and Teaching Material
  • Menus, Activities, and more...

The overall goal of the Aldrich program is to provide a safe, happy, growth-enhancing group experience for each child. More specifically, our aims are:
1. To help each child know that s/he is a worthy individual, a good friend, a competent learner, and a cooperative participant in learning experiences.
2. To help children establish satisfying and successful social relationships with their peers and with adults.
3. To help each child express individuality through a variety of media and activities.
4. To encourage children’s inquiring minds to search and probe for more information and to provide experiences to develop problem-solving skills.
5. To help children achieve and enjoy success as they learn.
6. To help children learn to be responsible for their actions and possessions and to develop the ability to work independently and cooperatively.


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