Marlow Elementary School Preschool

Preschool in Guyton, GA 31312

Marlow Elementary School Preschool is home and a place of learning for over 700 energetic PreK through Grade 5 students and 100 staff members. Our students consistently score at or above state levels on the CRCT. Last January, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement recognized Marlow as a 2010 Platinum Award Winner for making great gains in student achievement. The staff at Marlow is committed to providing a quality education for each and every student.

Teachers collaborate on a regular basis to promote consistent instruction at each grade level and to ensure that Georgia Performance Standards are being implemented. Efforts to utilize and implement technology are aided by a technology teacher and two computer labs. As the 2011-2012 school year begins, all of our classrooms are equipped with 21st Century Classroom technology. Students and teachers are excited to have this interactive technology available because it enhances lessons and promotes student engagement.

Recognizing that parent involvement is vital to student success, Marlow is proud to acknowledge the presence of a very active PTO. Among the items that our PTO has provided funds for are sixteen 21st Century Classrooms, an outdoor classroom, window tinting in the gym and cafeteria and two beautiful butterfly gardens. The PTO plans a Fall Festival, Breakfast with Santa and Santa Shop each year. Additionally they partner with the Wellness Committee to host a “Marlow Mustang Fun Run” each spring. Parent conferences, chorus concerts, art shows and PTO programs are well attended by Marlow families.

Highly qualified staff members that possess love for children, positive expectations, willingness to look at things in a different way, and hard work coupled with parents that share similar expectations = Marlow Elementary School Preschool, a place where students can grow and succeed in a caring environment.

Child Ages:
4 years - 12 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning

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