Home Away From Home Academy

Preschool in Raymond, ME 04071

To create unique educational environments built on sound research,

qualified instruction and foster academic excellence.

We instill a love of active learning, and provide experiences

that enable all students to acquire a strong foundation in early

childhood education.

The children will also acquire the skills for lifelong achievement.

Child Ages:
3 months - 7 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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Each of our classroom philosophies incorporates Montessori, Piaget and other education leaders for all age groups in our school. We find that learning through play and music – movement activities, is an extremely successful style of early education for all children. The education of young children encompasses many areas. We need to plan for their social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. We need to take into consideration that each child is an individual and each child has his or her own individual learning abilities and growth factors.

We have capitalized on recent studies that say the human brain utilizes 50% of its learning capacity in the first five years of life," says Phyllis Visone, owner of the Academy. We have incorporated an educational philosophy that takes the best of Piaget and Montessori and other childhood philosophies, and integrated them in a loving and nurturing environment for all our children. Upon completing our program, our children are not only educated, but also confident in their abilities. They have also gained an awareness of the many cultures represented in our diverse community. They learn to respect themselves and others.

The children receive the very best in Early Childhood Education, and have established a strong foundation to go forward on the educational process. Our children learn while having fun. Aside from the language arts, hands-on science programs and computer training at age three and up, we have advanced our programs and have incorporated foreign language for the children four and up. The children are doing an outstanding job.

Positive discipline is the process of teaching children acceptable and appropriate behaviors by establishing clear expectations and employing reasoning tactics, which eventually lead to compromise. Our approach to discipline respects the right of the child, the group, and the adult. Classroom rules are developed jointly with the children and the teacher. Children are encouraged to be a part of the group; there are also times when children need their own time and space. This will be granted.

When unacceptable behavior occurs, the child will be redirected to a new activity. If attempting to change the focus of the child’s behavior is unsuccessful, a time out from the activity will be utilized. This time out will last one to three minutes. The time out method will be utilized to remove the child from the group, ensuring the safety of all of the children, and allow the child to regain self-control. Before returning to the group, modes of positive behavior will be emphasized.


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