Child Time Penn

Preschool in Oklahoma City, OK 73120

Our school is nationally accredited by NECPA (National Early Childhood Program Accreditation). We received the award in December 2012 and we continue to meet the needs of accreditation standards. The standards that we follow are higher than the State of Oklahomas Child Daycare Licensing Standards.

I run this school like everyone involved is an extension of my own family the children, parents and teachers. I strive to create a warm and welcoming environment and maintain an open-door policy for anyone here in Oklahoma City who would like to talk. We plan a lot of events for everyone to participate in and I work hard to ensure that families meet each other and develop strong relationships as well.

I find it rewarding when I overhear a child telling their parent about the great day that they had and how much fun they had with their teachers. We are fortunate to have an outstanding staff that is dedicated to our children and families. All of our teachers receive monthly training as well as ongoing training provided by the state.

We value the relationships we have with our families and work hard to involve them. We offer a number of opportunities for our families to volunteer in the classroom and on field trips as well as monthly events, including Parents Night Out and other family outings.
Schedule a tour of our fantastic educational daycare in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, today!

Child Ages:
6 months - 13 years
Licenses & Accreditations:
Oklahoma Department of Human Services - Two Star - NECPA Accredited
This provider accepts vouchers
Hours of Operation:
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

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