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Average Childcare Salaries

31 July 2013

Childcare salary can range, depending on a variety of variables. Location, care center, position and experience can all play a role in determining what a childcare worker is paid. Here are a few general figures and guidelines to help determine an appropriate childcare salary:


Average Salary

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average childcare worker makes just under $21,000 a year.


Worker Stats

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also reported that 29% of workers in childcare worked part-time and 33% of them were self-employed. This is an incredibly high rate. One third of workers are usually not self-employed, showing the flexibility often available in childcare positions.


Daycare Centers

The average daycare center worker makes around $19,000 per year.



The second-most-popular position, right under daycare center workers, in childcare was that of teachers. The median salary of secondary and elementary school teachers is about $24,000.


Highest Paying States

The highest paying states for childcare positions are Massachusetts and New York. Workers in these states have a mean salary of over $24,000.



The median hourly wage for childcare workers is currently $9.28.


Overall, a childcare salary is certainly not the highest paid in the job market. Workers in this industry should be a part of it because they love kids and love their job. The rewards of working in childcare come from a passion for the position.



-“What is the Average Salary of a Child Care Provider?” Degree Dictionary

-“Childcare Workers” Occupational Outlook Handbook

-The Average Salary of a Day Care Worker” eHow

-Photo courtesy of imagerymagestic/freedigitalphotos.net

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