Jim K. offers Chemistry Lessons and Geometry Lessons

Tutor in Raleigh, NC 27616

Raleigh, NC 27616


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Price starts at: $65

Subjects: Chemistry Lessons and Geometry Lessons

Travel policy: Will travel within 40 miles of Raleigh, NC 27616

Wyzant Tutor Rating: 0 of 5 (0 ratings total)

College level Chemistry made simple and clear to a 10th Grader

I am a very experienced Chemist having worked for over 30 years in research, industry and Government regulatory agencies. Chemistry is a science and in science, the key to understanding is getting to learn certain basic principles governing that branch of science.

Memory, although very important, is not enough on its own. These basic principles are not uniform for all chemists but will be unique to individual teachers. Two equally qualified Chemists may be very different when rated as che…

Child Ages:
3 weeks - 17 years
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